Publisert: 24.02.15

Summer Project 2015: Market-based support scemes for renewables

We are looking for eight students to participate in the Statkraft Summer Project 2015. The project is multi-disciplinary and is aimed at students who have finished at least three years of higher education. Participants will work in a self-driven project team where one is a student project manager and with supervision from Statkraft professionals. In order to achieve national renewable goals, several market-based support schemes for renewables have been implemented in different countries all over the world. The eligible technologies are typically wind, solar, hydro and biomass. As the only relevant fuel-based technology, biomass is particularly interesting. While the ideas behind the markets are similar, the frameworks differ greatly. Statkraft would like to gain more insight into market development in both past and present market-based support schemes for renewables. The project target is improved understanding and analysis of the Norwegian – Swedish green certificate market through learning from other similar markets. To reach this target a comprehensive analysis is required. The project will be hosted by the Nordic market analysis department with support from other relevant parts of the company, such as Innovation & Technologies and strategic units. To study different markets some travelling to other parts of Europe may be required. The project period is from mid June to mid August. The participants will be paid according to fixed wages for student internship positions in Statkraft.

Who are we looking for?

  • You have a keen interest in renewable energy
  • You have completed at least three years of higher education within Business and Administration, Engineering, Economics, Political/Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Renewable Energy studies or other relevant fields, with very good results
  • You are flexible and enjoy working in a team, but can also work well independently
  • You have excellent communication skills in English and preferably one or more other languages
  • You are competent, responsible and innovative
  • You are result oriented, well organised and have good analytical skills
  • Please specify in your application when you will be able to begin and finish work during the summer. Expected working period is 15.06 – 14.8.2015 (with some flexibility) You are expected to arrange for your own accommodation during the project period Go to to apply.

    Om Statkraft AS

    Statkraft is a leading company in hydropower internationally and Europe’s largest generator of renewable energy. The Group produces hydropower, wind power, solar power, gas-fired power and supplies district heating. Statkraft is a global company in energy market operations. Statkraft has 4,800 employees in 20 countries. 

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