Spennende muligheter i Fokus Bank.
Join us as a graduate in Operations Norway for a careeer as operation manager, process consultant, change agent or project manager. You will get strategic insight and hands-on experience with a wide range of business challenges and processes across our organisation. You will rotate between different areas in Operations during your 18-month graduate programme where you also have the possibility of a 2-6 month expatriation. The graduate programme will take you on a fast track towards a future career within process optimisation/lean, project management or management.
Group Operations is the central unit handling administrative processes and logistics across the Danske Bank Group. Operations Norway are situated in Trondheim and have a total of 130 employees. We are in the process of building a leaner and more customer-focused organisation characterised by international collaboration.
Be challenged – and prepare to challenge
You will rotate between different areas in Operations including a possibility of a rotation outside your own country. With each new rotation, you will face new challenges in new environments, and you will build an increasing understanding of our organisation and your future opportunities. Your focus is always to improve and challenge the way we work.
Operations Graduates will gain experience from a range of areas in Operations including Transaction Services, Retail & Logistic Services and HR Services. Every 6 weeks you will also take part in training activities that are targeted specifically at Group Operations, including courses within Lean and learning how to execute in practice as a Lean/Change agent.
Part of group-wide graduate programme
On top of this rotations and training activities in Operations Norway, you get the opportunity to train and network with other graduates across the Danske Bank Group as part of Danske Graduate. You will join a group-wide graduate programme involving graduates in multiple countries and business units. All graduates will be employed on a permanent contract starting September 3. After completing the programme, you are expected to continue as a consultant/change agent, manager or project manager in Operations Norway.
Ambitious with an international outlook
You have finished your master’s degree or will finish this summer – among the top of your class. Besides the studies you have had a part time job (not necessarily study-related). If you have 1-2 years of job experience you are also welcome to apply. You enjoy working with colleagues with different eduational backgrounds and are considered a strong and ambitious individual who is focused on creating results and able to adapt to change. You are an excellent communicator and have the courage to challenge the way things are done.
You are comfortable working in an international business environment with projects across borders. Therefore, you are highly proficient in written and spoken English and Norwegian.
Learn more about the graduate programme on danskebank.com or LinkedIn. For questions about the position or Group Operations in general, please contact Administration Manager of Operations Norway, Liv Wangberg on 85 40 66 24.
Remember to attach your grade transcripts and/or degree certificates. You can apply in both English and Norwegian. Let us know if you have been applying for other graduate jobs in the Group
Send søknad og CV senest 15.03.2012
Fokus Bank som er en filial av Danske Bank A/S, har 55 kontorer spredt i Norge. Danske Bank A/S er et av Nordens ledende finanskonsern. Fokus Bank er ansvarlig for konsernets samlede virksomhet i Norge.
Fokus Bank er banken for de gode person- og bedriftskundene. Vi tilbyr personlig rådgivning, god service og produkter tilpasset kundenes behov. Våre kunder skal selv velge hvordan de ønsker å bruke oss, via nett, over telefon eller i personlige møter med rådgiver. Tilfredse kunder er en viktig årsak til at banken vokser kraftig. Fokus Bank er i dag blant landets ledende banker.
Fokus Bank skal være den beste banken for kunder, ansatte og eiere.
Vi er ambisiøse og skal være blant de ledende aktørene i det norske bank- og finansmarkedet. Som en del av Nord-Europas mest velrenommerte og kompetente finanskonsern har vi også en internasjonal profil.